Starke Nerven – starke Aura
Starke Nerven – starke Aura. Kundalini Yoga Workshop am 02.09. von 10 – 13 Uhr mit Sat Kriya Kaur.
Stärke Deine Aura und Deine Nerven mit Übungen aus dem Kundalini Yoga und fördere dabei Qualitäten wie Mut, Ausstrahlung und Durchhaltevermögen.
Keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.
Preis: 35 €, erm. 30 €. Schicke Deine Anmeldung bis 25.08. an:
Hallo, I would like to attend but do not speak that great of German. Is this something that my (husband) could come and translate and participate with me? What exactly would we be doing and am I reading this right that it costs 35 or 65?
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for your post! As I don’t know how to approve the comment, I am writing you directly.
We will be doing exercises and meditations from Kundalini Yoga, poses like triangle, archer pose, some kriyas, meditations and breathing exercises.
Of course your husband can join in and I can also explain some things in English.
The costs are 35 € or 30 € if you are a member in Kundalini Yoga Zentrum München oder a student.
Please let me know if you are coming – looking forward to seeing you there!
Warm regards